Monday, 25 May 2015

Mommy time


I lay there, still, as my heart begins to pound I hear the crunching and turning like it's right beside me. I know I can't move an inch or make a sound or I will give it all away and face my dreaded doom. I hear it, the wail that starts off soft and grows louder and louder...if only I could find a way to stop it, if only I could just close my eyes and disappear everything would be better. Then I hear it THUMP.....THUMP......THUMP....thump thump thump thump and the loud creeeeeeeek and I try to cover myself in hopes that I won't be seen. It can't be happening, not now not yet.I panic and start to sweat and my heart is almost beating out of my chest. Then I hear in a quiet whisper "Mom,is it time to wake up?" I see the 5:45am bright on my phone and think to myself, curse you sun. One by one they pop out of bed and I have to leave my sanctuary of my covers....ugh...I hate mornings.
If your a have probably been there. You know, when you hear your kids in the next room and in your head you pray "Jesus, just 10 more minutes". Yup that is me...well most days. I've tried the whole Proverbs 31:15 thing "she gets up while its still night...." You know read my devos have breakfast all ready for the kids and husband. Let me tell you falling asleep on the toilet doesn't look good on anyone. Can I get an Amen!

At the end of the day though being a mom is still the greatest gift I have been given and I love it so much and wouldn't give it up for anything in the world. However, it's got me thinking. I get up every morning when the kids do, spend all day teaching,playing and raising my kids and sometimes I forget there was a person here before mommy and before wife.

It makes me think about the midlife crises thing when all my kids have moved out and my mom role has changed significantly, will there be any Jessika left?
So often we as mothers take on mommy as our full identity during child raising years

We pour ourselves day and night into loving on our babies exactly like wonderful mothers should. We often overlook one of the most crucial parts of being a momma..."mommy time"!!

That time that is specifically set aside AWAY from your children doing things that fill you up and encourage you. I've tried to have "mommy time" at home, nope, doesn't work! Those little monsters find me every single time...I can't ever pee in peace!
Taking time to yourself, with your husband or friends is so important and crucial to being a good parent.
When your with your kids all the time they play you out,know how to push all your buttons and give you a couple mini heart attacks a day. In order to love them the way God intended us to love them we have to have time to recharge and refuel so we have something to pour out for them that's worth pouring out. I'm not talking about once a year type thing, I'm talking on regular basis.
We need both physical rest and Godly rest.

So ladies take some time to sit and spend with the Lord and to find your passions. Paint, go to a movie, even sneak in some "mommy daddy time ooo lala". But get out, refuel so that you can love those beautiful babies better today then you did yesterday.

Hebrews 4: 9-11 “Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience.”

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