Thursday, 22 October 2015

My month of the perfect life.

I love Pinterest. 

It has so many great ideas about how to be a good homemaker,wife,mother, friend, how to decorate your house or teach your kids. Pretty much anything you can think of!!

I often spend hours pinning ideas and thinking about how to better myself. Sometimes I wish that I could be the "Pinterest mom". She closely resembles a version of the Proverbs 31 wife. She just seems to have it all together.

I have never had it all together, not even a bit. I'm messy and clumsy, rude and selfcentered, and so so busy....if I find time in the day to have a shower it's a win!

However, this topic of the perfect life got me thinking of something I would like to try. What if for one month I had it all together, If everything was how I envisioned it should be. If I was efficient and read my bible tons, exercised, made all healthy home cooked meals. Had my homeschooling, worship practise, dance lessons planned out to perfection. The cherry on top would that I would have loads of time to spend with my husband.

What if I had it all down? 

What if I pulled it off?

I came up with three possible outcomes. 

1. I would crash and burn with the stress pretty much in the first couple days.
2. I would fall in love with living the "perfect life"
3. I would find balance somewhere in the middle

I know that it is Jesus that I need to find my "perfect life in". However this idea had me wondering what would my life look like or how would I feel if I took every standard I hold myself to in my head and spent one month meeting all of them. 

So I thought why not try! 

The only thing I have to lose is my sanity and that clearly disappeared three kids ago. 

So I'm going to take the weekend to figure out all the schedules, meal plans and so on. Monday morning I'm going to jump into my ideal "perfect life" routine and have a little adventure. 

Hope you will join me for the journey....

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