Friday 19 June 2015

Good Girl Church Face

This was a hard post to write.

 Not because I had trouble thinking of things to say. No, just because my pride took a big hit. 

I was surfing through my posts on Facebook and I came across a quote by D. L Moody that rocked me to my core.

A man ought to live so that everyone knows he's a Christian...and most of all his family ought to know.

I love Jesus. Everyday I seek to know him more...some days I really fail. Some days are awesome. Regardless of if it's an awesome day or if it's a "I'll try again tomorrow" day I have this nasty habit. One of those ones you don't want to admit.

I have a this nasty habit of putting on my good girl church face the minuet I walk out the door...and taking it off the minuet I walk back in.

Do you know the one? 

The one where I'm the perfect mother, perfect wife, perfect friend, perfectly put together person. Yup that's the one. 

For some reason when I go out the door or talk to other people I have a habit of putting on my GGCF...well let's be honest it's not a habit, it's pride. 


The thing I find keeps me from Jesus most. 

I have this fear of people knowing that I mess up, that I'm not perfect. That there are days that I fail.

With my family I have days I don't care,when I don't try. They are my family they're stuck with me and will always love me. Right? 

Truth, both of those are results of pride. 

I know when I am not vulnerable and authentic with people I can potentially be robbing them of seeing Jesus and the work he doing in my life.

When I don't take the proper time to get my self focused on the Lord, I rob my husband of a wife who's focused on loving him in a godly way, and I rob my children of a mom who is focused on patience and loving them so that they see Jesus. Which ultimately is the most important thing I will do with my life. 


It mixes up my priorities. Thinking that it's more important how everyone else sees me then how my family does. 
It gets me believing that it's more important to look perfect then to be authentic. 

Our families deserve our best. 
I want my family to see a consistant authenticness in me. One that is vulnerable and open and is always trying to get better. Most of all I want them to be able to say that Jesus was always moms priority, public,at home, that's what she strived for, and she did it well.

How in the world do you get to that place? 

 Day in day out I'm still working on it with the grace of God, I'll let you know if I ever get there! 

Romans 12:2
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Take time to think about that quote... Maybe ask the hard questions. 

1 comment:

  1. Love this, Jess! Hope to chat sometime soon!!

